【第2類医薬品】★小児用バファリン チュアブル 12錠【セルフメディケーション税制対象商品】

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【第2類医薬品】★小児用バファリン チュアブル 12錠【セルフメディケーション税制対象商品】

Item Numnber:4903301818670
12 tablets
[Mandatory confirmation.

stock status : In stock.
  • Product Details




Usage notes.

■■ What not to do ■■
(Failure to comply will worsen current symptoms and increase the risk of side effects/accidents.)
1. should not be taken by the following persons
(1) People who have experienced allergic reactions to this product or any of its ingredients.
(2) People who have experienced asthma after taking this or other antipyretic analgesics or cold medicines.
2. do not take any of the following medicines while taking this medicine
Other antipyretic analgesics, cold and sedative medicines
3. do not drink alcohol before and after taking the dose

■■Consulting ■■.
1.The following persons should consult a doctor, dentist, pharmacist or registered pharmacist before taking the product
(1) Persons under the care of a doctor or dentist.
(2) Pregnant women or those who appear to be pregnant.
(3) Older people.
(4) People who have had allergic reactions to medicines or other substances.
(5) Persons with the following diagnoses.
Heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach and duodenal ulcers
2.If you experience any of the following symptoms after taking the product, stop taking it immediately and consult a doctor, pharmacist or registered pharmacist with this document, as there is a possibility of side effects

Relevant areas/symptoms.
Skin - Rash/redness, itching.
Gastrointestinal - nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.
Psychoneurological system - dizziness
Other - Excessive temperature reduction.

In rare cases, the following serious symptoms may occur
If this happens, seek medical attention immediately.

Name of symptoms ... Symptoms.
Shock (anaphylaxis) - Skin itching, hives, hoarse voice, sneezing, itchy throat, breathlessness, palpitations and clouded consciousness soon after taking the drug.

Cutaneous Mucosal Eye Syndrome (Stevens-Johnson syndrome),
Toxic epidermal necrolysis, acute generalised eruptive pustulosis - persistent or rapid worsening of high fever, red eyes, eye sores, sores on the lips, sore throat, widespread skin rash/redness, small patches (small pustules) on the reddened skin, general lethargy, loss of appetite.

Liver dysfunction - fever, itching, rash, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), brown urine, general lethargy and loss of appetite.

Renal impairment - fever, rash, decreased urine output, generalised swelling, generalised lethargy, joint pain (aching knots) and diarrhoea may occur.

Interstitial pneumonia - Shortness of breath or breathlessness when climbing stairs or exerting oneself a little, dry cough, fever, etc., which may appear suddenly or persist.

Asthma - wheezing, hissing or breathlessness when breathing.




Dosage and administration

Age - Dose - Number of doses per day

(1) If the product is to be taken by children, it should be taken under the guidance and supervision of a parent or guardian.
(3) Strictly adhere to dosage and administration.


1 tablet in.


Storage and handling precautions

(1) Store in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.
(2) Keep out of reach of children.
(4) Do not use products past their expiry date.

[Other information in the accompanying text].

Contact details.

Please contact the shop where you bought it or the following
Lion Corporation Customer Centre
1-3-7, Honjo, Sumida-ku, Tokyo 130-8644, Japan
9:00~17:00 (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays)

Usage notes.

For more information on the Adverse Reaction Relief Scheme, please contact the PMDA (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency). Toll-free number 0120-149-931 Please confirm the telephone number carefully before dialing. Opening hours: 9:00 am~5:00 pm / Mon~Fri (except national holidays and year-end and New Year holidays) Email: kyufu@pmda.go.jp

Caution (disclaimer) > Please read carefully.

Please read the medication instructions carefully before use. For any post-purchase enquiries, please contact the shop where you purchased the product.