【第2類医薬品】★こどもパブロン坐薬 10個【セルフメディケーション税制対象商品】

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【第2類医薬品】★こどもパブロン坐薬 10個【セルフメディケーション税制対象商品】

Item Numnber:4987306051829
[Mandatory confirmation.

stock status : Sold out.
out of stock
  • Product Details

Guideline for product delivery

Please note that this product takes approximately 1 week to 10 days from order to dispatch.



Usage notes.

■■ What not to do ■■
(Failure to comply may worsen current symptoms or increase the likelihood of side effects.)
1. should not be used by the following persons
(1) People who have experienced allergic reactions to this product or any of its ingredients.
Other antipyretic analgesics, cold and sedative medicines
4. do not use for prolonged periods of continuous use

■■Consulting ■■.
(1) Persons under the care of a doctor or dentist.
(2) Pregnant women or those who appear to be pregnant.
(4) People who have had allergic reactions to medicines or other substances.
(5) Persons with the following diagnoses.
Heart disease, kidney disease, liver disease, stomach and duodenal ulcers
Relevant parts] [Symptoms] [Symptoms
Skin: rash/redness, itching
消化器 : 吐き気・嘔吐、食欲不振、下痢、軟便、便意
Psychoneurological system: dizziness
その他 : 過度の体温低下
In rare cases, the following serious symptoms may occur
If this happens, seek medical attention immediately.
Name of symptom] Shock (anaphylaxis)
〔症 状〕使用後すぐに、皮膚のかゆみ、じんましん、声のかすれ、くしゃみ、のどのかゆみ、息苦しさ、動悸、意識の混濁等があらわれる。

[Name of condition] Cutaneous Mucosal Eye Syndrome (Stevens-Johnson syndrome),
Toxic epidermal necrolysis, acute generalised eruptive pustulosis
[Symptoms] High fever, red eyes, eye discharge, sores on the lips, sore throat, widespread skin rash/redness, small patches (vesicles) on the reddened skin, general lethargy and loss of appetite, which may persist or worsen rapidly.

[Name of symptoms] Liver dysfunction
[Symptoms] Fever, itching, rash, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes), brown urine, general lethargy and loss of appetite may occur.

Symptom name] Renal impairment
[Symptoms] Fever, rash, decreased urine output, generalised swelling, generalised lethargy, joint pain (aching joints) and diarrhoea may occur.

Name of symptoms] Interstitial pneumonia
Symptoms] Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing when climbing stairs or exerting oneself slightly, dry eyes, fever, etc., which may appear suddenly or persist.

Name of symptoms] Asthma
[Symptoms] Zeezing or hissing when breathing, difficulty breathing, etc.




Dosage and administration

〔年 令〕 6才~12才
〔1回量 〕 1~2個
〔使用回数〕 1日1回

〔年 令〕 3才~5才
〔1回量 〕 1個
〔使用回数〕 1日1回

〔年 令〕 1才~2才
〔1回量 〕 1/2~1個
〔使用回数〕 1日1回

〔年 令〕 1才未満
〔1回量 〕 使用しないこと
〔使用回数〕 使用しないこと

attention (heed)
(1) Strictly follow the prescribed dosage and administration.
(2) If the product is to be used by children, it should be used under the guidance and supervision of a parent or guardian.


1個(1g中) アセトアミノフェン 100mg


Storage and handling precautions

(2) Keep out of reach of children.
(3) Do not replace the product in other containers.
(It may cause misuse or change quality.)

[Other description.]
夜の急な発熱 食欲がない時 吐きやすい時 薬がのめない時



Contact details.

For enquiries about this product, please contact the shop where you bought it or the following
Taisho Pharmaceutical Company Customer 119 Office
3-24-1 Takada, Toshima-ku, Tokyo
8:30~21:00 (except Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).

Contact details for the Adverse Effects Relief Scheme.
0120-149-931 (toll-free)

Usage notes.

For more information on the Adverse Reaction Relief Scheme, please contact the PMDA (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency). Toll-free number 0120-149-931 Please confirm the telephone number carefully before dialing. Opening hours: 9:00 am~5:00 pm / Mon~Fri (except national holidays and year-end and New Year holidays) Email: kyufu@pmda.go.jp

Caution (disclaimer) > Please read carefully.

Please read the medication instructions carefully before use. For any post-purchase enquiries, please contact the shop where you purchased the product.