- goods (330)
- 商品ジャンル (330)
- Alfresa private brand (20)
- スペシャルクーポン (9)
- Health foods and supplements (40)
- supplement (25)
- Diet (7)
- herb (1)
- Vitamins and minerals (8)
- Placenta and collagen (1)
- for pregnant women (5)
- ビフィズス菌 (3)
- health foods (6)
- aimed at children (5)
- Dog supplements (1)
- supplement (25)
- Pharmaceuticals and quasi-drugs (OTC) (162)
- Subject to self-medication taxation (59)
- Nipro Corporation (10)
- Nipro Corporation (10)
- Vitamins and nutritional tonic (9)
- ユースキン (3)
- Roche Diagnostics Ltd. (4)
- Motion sickness drugs and anti-drowsiness drugs (2)
- 医薬部外品 (1)
- aimed at children (21)
- Fujirebio Ltd. (6)
- Antigen test kits (20)
- targeted at individuals (10)
- 新型コロナ (20)
- corporate (e.g. business) (10)
- designated quasi-drug (18)
- Designated category 2 medicines (29)
- medicine for testing (e.g. drugs to check for leprosy, cancer, etc.) (2)
- Dental and Oral Drugs (9)
- Disinfectants and cleaning agents (6)
- 消炎鎮痛剤(肩こり・関節痛) (5)
- Herbal and herbal medicines (10)
- Medicines that may be subject to abuse, etc. (13)
- Medicines for haemorrhoidal disorders and frequent urination (2)
- hemorrhoids (2)
- Hair growth and hair regrowth products (3)
- for use by women (1)
- for use by men (2)
- Ointment for skin (27)
- acne (2)
- female genital area (3)
- Dry and rough hands (4)
- Wound care and antibiotics (3)
- Eczema, itching and sweat rash (13)
- 虫刺され (5)
- eye drops (4)
- Itching/allergies (2)
- dry eye (1)
- Fatigue and blurred vision (1)
- Class 1 medicines (30)
- Class 2 medicines (49)
- Class 3 medicines (27)
- Gastrointestinal related drugs (14)
- fever medicine (8)
- アセトアミノフェン製剤 (2)
- Cold-related and allergy medicines (16)
- Hygiene products, healthcare and cosmetics (66)
- aimed at children (3)
- first-aid kit (14)
- 日焼け (6)
- Disinfection and sterilisation (12)
- 温熱用品 (4)
- Skin care, scalp care and moisturising products (27)
- Food and household goods (63)
- 冷却 (2)
- daily necessities (27)
- 食品 (20)
- beverage (14)
- 注目ワード (27)
- Simultaneous flu test kit (6)
- child's whims (7)
- ointment (5)
- common cold (8)
- 商品ジャンル (330)
- 未分類 (52)